Dima Ayoub is an Assistant Professor of Arabic and C.V. Starr Junior Faculty Fellow in International Studies at Middlebury College where she was also the former director of the Middle East studies program. Her book manuscript Paratext and Power: Modern Arabic Literature in Translation rewrites the social and cultural history of modern Arabic literature in translation by centering the role of publishers, translators and paratexts, in addition to writers. She specializes in translation studies, gender and postcolonial studies. Parallel to her book project, Dr. Ayoub is developing a digital archive of modern Arabic literature in English, French, German and Spanish translation. Her most recent publications appeared in the Journal of Translation Studies, the Journal of Arabic Literature, Middle Eastern Literatures and in the edited collection, Multilingual Literature as World Literature with Bloomsbury.
Start preparing yourself for Ramadan by understanding the Quran. Click the link
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The Semitic Languages: https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/semitic-languages
The Curious Case of Maltese: https://www.labrujulaverde.com/en/2018/09/the-curious-case-of-maltese-the-only-semitic-language-in-the-european-union/
History Of Maltese: https://vassallohistory.wordpress.com/history-of-the-maltese-language/
The Maltese Language: https://omniglot.com/writing/maltese.htm
The Maltese Alphabet: http://mylanguages.org/maltese_alphabet.php
Maltese’s Extra Letters: https://www.tumblr.com/malteseboy/138223202108/the-fancy-extra-letters-in-maltese
Il-Kantilena: https://ballandalus.wordpress.com/2019/04/08/il-kantilena-a-15th-century-poem-in-medieval-maltese/ Video Rating: / 5
I will be introducing you to a new lesson in Media Arabic for Novices today using BBC Arabic Newspapers.
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ضجت مواقع التواصل في السعودية بجريمة قتل لسيدة من قبل أخوها في مدينة نجران جنوب غرب المملكة. فقد قام شاب في الـ18 من عمره بقتل شقيقته، تدعى سلمى وعمرها 42 عاماً، بـ8 طلقات من سلاح رشاش ليرديها قتيلة أمام أبنائها بسبب ما قيل عدم رضاه عن عملها كحارسة أمن في جامعة نجران ولقيادتها السيارة.
وأعلن حساب الأمن العام في السعودي على منصة إكس القبض على شخص لقتله امرأة بإطلاق النار عليها وأنه جرى إيقافه وتم اتخاذ الإجراءات النظامية بحقه وإحالته إلى النيابة العامة.
للمزيد من الفيديوهات زوروا صفحتنا: https://www.bbc.com/arabic/media/video
اشترك في بي بي سي :http://bit.ly/BBCNewsArabic
Famous figures from Arabic and Islamic history – Ibn Battutah – Learn Arabic through Short Stories
A brief look into the story of Ibn Battuta, a famousraveler from the 14th century, who globe trotted the ancient world, visiting over 40 countries and crossing a distance of over 75,000 miles before the invention of transport methods like the car or train. He left behind a book documenting his travel journeys and tales, which has been read over generations since his passing and became part of Arab history and literature. He described places, people and cultures that he came across, sometimes if not often very different to his own, in a time when there was no internet or access to information and when travel was not a simple task. Nowadays, a famous shopping mall is named after him in Dubai and Arabs study about him in school and read his tales.
Learning Arabic With Angela https://www.learningarabicwithangela.com/
*Free online Arabic language learning resources for beginners, free Arabic short stories with English translation pdf, free lessons, pdfs, flashcard pictures and more! Fun, modern and engaging Arabic language learning approach, with non-native learners in mind.
My books on Amazon:
Arabic Reading with Conjunctions
Amazon USA:
My First Words Arabic & English Book: Colors, Numbers, Shapes, Animals:
A collection of bilingual stories for kids:
Five Short Bilingual Stories in English and Modern Standard Arabic for Children: Learning Arabic With Angela https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09MYXTRK6/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_D4APPGEF3SEEBJCK070H
In Space bilingual short story:
In Space في الفَضاء: A bilingual short story about space for Arabic learners, in English and Arabic, Learning Arabic With Angela https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09MYWWSLG/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_1MPS4GCAG1WZY654MZAG
Alphabet Tracing:
Arabic Alphabet Tracing, Learn and Trace the Arabic Letters, Learn Animal Names, Color the Animals: Learning Arabic with Angela https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09NRZM69R/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_WV3CEQ3B220855CY6JEP
*Learn Arabic conversation with English subtitles.
Learn Arabic through short stories with English subtitles.
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📌Learn Arabic through Short Stories, including amusing stories from ancient Arabic literature, YOUTUBE PLAYLIST 🎬
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📌Free 45 minutes crash course in Arabic for complete beginners, with English transliteration & translation.
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📌Improve your Arabic conversational skills 🗣YOUTUBE PLAYLIST 🎬:
📌Arabic Grammar lessons in a fun and easy way! YOUTUBE PLAYLIST 🎬:
Video Rating: / 5
I ask strangers in Tangier, Morocco many languages they speak. Tangier is the most Northern city in Morocco and a fascinating mix of cultures and languages.
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As always, I’m Dan from The New Travel. Thanks for watching!
If you’re interested in learning the Arabic language make sure you check out our webinar, where I break down how to go from 0 to fluent in Arabic in 15 months in sha Allah.
Follow me on Instagram: @muhammad.andalusi
Intro 00:00
Context about Arabic dialects 00:53
Which Arabic should I learn to understand the Quran 01:46
Which Arabic country speaks classical Arabic 02:21
The process of the video 03:28
Mauritanian dialect 04:40
Moroccan dialect 05:21
Algerian dialect 06:13
Tunisian dialect 07:27
Libyan dialect 08:13
Egyptian dialect 08:59
Sudanese dialect 09:50
Yemeni dialect 10:52
Saudi Arabian dialect 12:00
Oman dialect 12:37
Dubai / UAE dialect 13:39
Qatari dialect 14:05
Bahrain dialect 14:29
Iraq dialect 15:04
Syrian dialect 15:30
Jordanian dialect 16:07
Palestinian dialect 16:27
Lebanese dialect 16:52
Which dialect should I learn 17:13
Outro 19:08 Video Rating: / 5
Download these 4 dictionaries from here:
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Follow the journey of a person who is traveling by air, from his home, to the concierge at the hotel lobby, where he asks for a taxi, then with the taxi driver, then at check in, passport control, security, boarding gate, in the plane (airplane), and until he lands.
Find out what to say in Arabic when your are traveling by air, and how to say it.
Arabic conversation and phrases with English translation and subtitles.
Download the free eBook / storybook from our Stories or Downloads section in the blog:
Learning Arabic becomes easier, when vocabulary is used in meaningful sentences, and in a logical order, such as a short real-life story. This approach makes learning a new language like Arabic more brain-friendly.
Your feedback is important. Please leave a comment with any suggestions or ideas.
Learning Arabic With Angela
Free online Arabic language learning resources for beginners and kids, no-hassle downloads.
Fun, modern and engaging Arabic language learning approach,
with non-native learners in mind. https://www.learningarabicwithangela.com/
Learn Arabic language, conversation, and grammar for beginners.
Join our growing Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/LearningArabicWithAngela/ Video Rating: / 5
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In this video I tackle the topic of: should you memorize the Quran first? or should you learn Arabic instead?
In this video I answer the following questions:
How did the Sahaba use to learn the Quran?
What should we avoid in this topic?
How should we learn the Quran?
What is the conclusion?
What is the purpose of the Quran?
Try it for yourself.
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