Archive for the tag: Down

Pakistan shoots down two Indian fighter jets: Foreign ministry

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Pakistan says it has shot down two Indian fighter jets while they were in Pakistani air space.
They have arrested one Indian pilot and another is receiving treatment in a Pakistani hospital.
But India says only one of its air force aircraft crashed and that was because of technical failure.
Air space around Indian-administered Kashmir has been shut down.

First, we speak to our correspondent Imran Khan in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad then we hear from Faiz Jamil in New Delhi, Later, we are joined by Uday Bhaskar, a retired commodore in the Indian Navy and the director of the Society for Policy Studies, to discuss the latest updates.

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#BrakingNews #KashmirAttack #KashmirTension
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How do you talk about health in Arabic? This video will help give you the necessary vocab to understand media and articles related to the current global health situation with the coronavirus outbreak and pandemic.

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فَيْرُوْس كُوْرُوْنَا Coronavirus
الصِحَّة Health
المَرْض Disease / sickness
وَبَاء Epidemic
جَائِحَة Pandemic
حَالَة / حَالَات Case(s)
طَبيب / أَطِبَّاء Doctor(s)
مُمَرِّض (ة) Nurse (male/female)
مُسْتَشْفَى / مُسْتشفَيَات Hospital(s)
كَمَّامَة / كمّامات Face mask(s)
مُعَقِّم Hand sanitizer
فَتْرَة الحَضَانَة Incubation period
عَرَض / أَعْرَاض Symptom(s)
سُعَال Cough
ارْتِفَاع دَرَجَة الحَرَارَة High temperature
الحَجْر / العَزْل Quarantine
الحَجْر المَنْزِلِيّ Home quarantine
إغْلَاق تَام Lockdown
طَوَارِئ Emergency
المَنَاعَة Immunity
الاحْتِيَاط Precaution
المُصَافَحَة Shaking hands
النَظَافَة Cleanliness / Hygiene
غَسْل اليَدين Handwashing
التَبَاعُد الاجْتِمَاعِي Social distancing
تَغْطِيَة الأَنْف وَالفَم عِنْدَ السُعَال أو العَطْس Covering the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing
عِلَاج Treatment
الشِفَاء Healing
لَقَاح Vaccine

Accent Expert Breaks Down 6 Fictional Languages From Film & TV | WIRED

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Dialect coach Erik Singer analyzes some of the most famous “constructed languages” in movie and television history. Which real-life languages inspired “conlangs” like Klingon and Dothraki?

Select video samples used courtesy of

Check out more from Erik here:

Languages Covered: Na’vi, Dothraki, Klingon, Sindarin, Parseltongue, Ewokese, Shyriiwook, Divine Language, Mork Speak, Groot Speak, Malkovich, Furbish, Heptapod.

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Accent Expert Breaks Down 6 Fictional Languages From Film & TV | WIRED

Created by: Joe Sabia
Video Rating: / 5